Grant Requests
Submitting a grant request is simple and can be done online or by completing and mailing/faxing a Nominate a Grant to Charity Form. Upon approval by the ACP Board of Directors, the grant will be processed and received by the grantee organization generally within two weeks.
Grants may only be made to qualified U.S. 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, or to U.S., state or local government organizations qualified to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions, such as state colleges or universities. Each grant recommendation must be for $250 or more to any one charitable organization, or for the balance of the account, if less.
It is important for donors to note that ACP cannot approve recommended grants that:
- are directed to foreign charitable organizations (unless they have a domestic affiliate);
- Fulfill a donor’s pre-existing pledge to a charity;
- Provide private benefit to the donor or any other individual;
- Support lobbying, political campaigns or other political activities;
- or are for any purpose that is not entirely charitable.
No grants may be used to discharge or satisfy a charitable pledge or obligation that is legally enforceable against the donor or any other person, or to pay for goods or services of value received by the donor or any other person. Donors will receive written confirmation of all approved grants.
Nominate a Grant to Charity