Charitable Gift Accounts
The American Center for Philanthropy’s Charitable Gift Accounts, which are donor-advised accounts, are vehicles for contributing assets to charity that maximize current tax benefits and flexibility for future contributions.
With an initial irrevocable contribution, an ACP Charitable Cift Account allows a donor to establish an account and then later, or immediately make charitable contributions by recommending distributions from their account. Donors may make recommendations for individual grants of $250 or more (or the balance of the account, if less) to qualified charitable organizations.
All new donors who establish a Charitable Gift Account complete and submit an ACP Account Application Form at the time of their initial contribution. If the donor chooses, a Charitable Gift Account may be named to honor an individual, a family, or a charitable purpose.
ACP keeps records of contributions, investment allocations and grants made, and mails quarterly statements to donors for tracking purposes. It is important to note, however, that upon the account opening, the account and its assets become the property of ACP.